Development: the main function of playing cards and PVC playing cards are for fun, for playing and for relaxing thus we also call it as “card game”. This type card game is the most fast development and fast-paced which combines the traditional poker cards, table games and thinking. However, with the progress of times, people have different perspectives and views about the playing cards gradually.
As time went by, the demand for playing cards enterprises and individuals are increasingly rise therefore different types manufacturer and factory of making/customizing playing cards also began to appear.
Like: Dongguan Chensheng Printing Co., Ltd in Guangdong Province in China, which has rich and extensive working experiences in this industry.
Want to know more details? Please kindly check:

There are many different versions of playing cards, but in this article we mainly talk about the Playing Cards and PVC Playing Cards.
Playing Cards normally is made of paper; PVC Playing Cards is made of plastic material. The main feature of between them is the PVC Playing Cards are water-proof and folding-resistance.

Different type clients and customers have different requirements for the Playing Cards/PVC Playing Cards. With in this world which fulls of trends and possibilities, all the demand and request for the Playing Cards is more exquisite and to a higher level.
For example: the raw material, printing machine, printing oil and color, technique and package etc… All the above points are the people will take into account.
Through the following points we believed that the technique and production of Playing Cards & PVC Playing Cards would be more comprehensive.
–Raw material: all the raw material included paper and PVC of Chensheng uses are 100% new material and environmental, which is the most basic and essential.
The raw material plays an important role in the finished products, which impacts the printing color and overall effect.
–Printing machine: without doubts, good printing machine is highly decide the printing oil and color effect. Chensheng’s printing machine is “Heidelberg Printer” which produces in German, one of the best printing machines in the world. It is HeidelbergxL75-5+L, 5 colors printing and varnish, which could make the printing design and contents reach the effect you want!
–Varnish: the printing oil is crucial for card’s overall effect, like the visual effect and touch feeling.
Especially for the Playing Cards and PVC Playing Cards, which are use for the casino and entertainment. They first need to be shuffled the cards thus the hand-feeling is vital, different varnish has different hand feeling which depends on the client’s specific requirement and choice.
Varnish has glossy varnish, matte varnish and semi-glossy varnish etc…
And Chensheng could also going the second varnish technique if you want the cards more bright and smooth.
–Package: packing is also significant for the finished Playing Cards and PVC Playing Cards. For them the most common and normal package is the tuck box. Chensheng has 250gsm C1S art paper – 350gsm C1S art paper material options.
Good package is a key point about the purchase or selling, which could attract people’s desire to purchase in some ways. Such as the package structures, design contents and color etc.
Making Playing Cards and PVC Playing Cards are for taking the world and civilization step further. All the details and specifications of them/manufacturing them are exquisite and extensive.
Dongguang Chensheng Printing Co., Ltd could help you make them well.
They’re born in customizing this industry.