About How to Use affirmation cards use short sentences or phrases to cast positive thoughts and energy. The idea is to empower and enlighten the card reader as well as urge them to release any negativity. These cards have a powerful impact on one’s soul and will relieve the heaviness that comes with past mistakes.

Reading Affirmation Cards
What we say has power, the word can affect your actions. Unless you are actively negating each card that you read, it is nearly impossible to use affirmations incorrectly. Let’s say you pick up a card with the affirmation “I Am Motivated”. How do you approach this message? To get the most out of your affirmation cards, here are three ways to try.
Ask Questions: Upon reading the card “I Am Motivated,” the first thought that comes to mind may help indicate where your motivation should be directed. Perhaps explore the parts of you that need improvement in the motivation department or recognize the ways that you are motivated. No matter the route you choose, it is important to ask questions: Why did this thought enter my mind? Where else do I need to seek motivation? How can I get to a point where I proudly and truthfully say, “I am Motivated”?
Use Your Imagination: Close your eyes. Imagine what motivation looks like. You may see the physical energy, yourself as you are, or a new version of yourself that embodies motivation. This meditative exercise allows your thoughts to meet reality, awakening any trapped potential.
Take Action: It is important to actively seek motivation healthily. If you can and are in the right frame of mind, channel your energy into this newfound drive and run with it. For example, try saying the phrase aloud while looking at yourself in a mirror.

Oracle & Affirmation
Unlike tarot cards, Affirmation does not follow a standard set of rules. Affirmation card creators have complete creative liberties with phrases and artwork. Affirmation decks have unique influential phrases and card designs, but if you’re looking for card empowerment, tarot and oracle are also viable options.

Take Action with Affirmations
When creating your deck of affirmation cards, we are with you every step of the way. Regardless of the order size, we will personally discuss options with you. And when you request a quote, you will receive instant pricing. Chensheng encourages creativity, providing a comprehensive custom platform, layout designs, and selection of high-quality materials, packages, and transportation. Welcome to consult!